November 17, 2014 • Westin Ottawa
On November 17, 2014 CIEC hosted the ‘Canada-India: Synergy in Education’ Conference 2014 in Ottawa. This year’s event took place before CBIE’s annual conference and explored the convergence of sports and entertainment in the education sector.. asking the question: Is India the next frontier? View event photos
- Discussed sports management, sports marketing, sports scholarships, talent acquisition, scouting and related topics…
- Exchanged ideas & experiences, explore opportunities, pitfalls & challenges, highlight your sports / entertainment programs, network with stakeholders active in both markets and create valuable connections…
With sessions by CBIE and DFATD, augmented by multiple workshop-style sessions led by the Hon. Bal Gosal, Minister of State (Sport), this was a must-attend event for those active or interested in examining India as a possible frontier in this corridor. Hon. Bal Gosal outlined the $200 million set aside by the federal government for sports, including the athlete assistance program. He also discussed trade between Canada & India and projected that once the new trade agreements are in place trade between these nations will triple to $15 billion annually.

Attendees also heard ex- NHL’er Doug Smith lend his expertise and a decade of high performance playing at the elite level. He discussed sports injuries as well as athletic programming & how it can benefit academic institutiions. Doug Smith also shared stories of his fascinating life, recovery, and the impact of trauma and injury on sports performance. He also described how behavior drives culture in sports.
Dr. Brian Mcpherson, with 30 years experience in leading government relations, sport marketing and innovative initiatives, described Commonwealth Games Canada and its 3 programs
View Synergy 2014 photos.
View previous presentations & photos or view all past events.
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Conferences, such as this one, are crucial to Canada-India relations, because they allow for growth and promoting knowledge between the two countries….’
– Hon. Deepak Obhrai, P.C., M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and for International Human Rights
Events such as this remind us that when many come together for a single cause, much can be accomplished. Prime Minister Harper said: “There is s tremendous amount of potential in our relationship with India. We share a history of cooperation in the Commonwealth and the United Nations, as well as a shared commitment to pluralism, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Our goal is to build a stronger, more dynamic partnership based on shared commercial, political and regional interests.” As Minister for Multiculturalism, I would like to thank the members of the Canada India Education Council for your ongoing work in support of cooperation between Canada and India in the field of education. – Hon. Jason Kenney, PC, MP Minister of Employment and Social Development & Minister for Multiculturalism