69% of 2005 bachelor’s entrants completed PSE credential in BC by 2011

Source: Government of British Columbia | December 2013

A new study of 12,508 students who entered BC bachelor’s programs in fall 2005 reveals that 69% of students completed a credential of some kind by fall 2011, and that 93% achieved the credential they initially entered – a bachelor’s degree. The Student Transitions Project also showed that 23% of these students were still registered in a PSE institution in BC in 2011. These students who are still attending PSE are, on average, more mobile among BC institutions than those students who completed a credential within 6 years, or those who didn’t continue studying at a BC institution. The study is produced by a partnership between BC’s education and advanced education ministries and public PSE institutions.

TCS Insights: Undergrad students in British Columbia who began completing their degrees in 2005 were found to have completed their studies by 2011, with 93% of them acquiring the Bachelor’s degree they originally set out to achieve. Institutions in the province have displayed their dedication to providing as many of their students with a valuable educational experience as possible.