Source: University World News via Academica | January 27, 2015
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has published its Education Policy Outlook for 2015. The report identifies a number of key issues and goals for each member nation, as well as identifying high-level international trends. The report notes that many countries are looking to expand PSE graduation rates as a means to combat unemployment and overcome skills gaps, and that the proportion of persons aged 25–34 with tertiary education was consistently higher than that of persons aged 55–64. The report also identified what is described as a reverse gender gap at the PSE level; 46% of women aged 25–34 have attained a PSE credential, compared with 35% of men of the same age. The report also recommends PSE institutions increase pathways to the labour market. In its look at Canada, the report notes the importance of increasing the participation of minority-language and Aboriginal students in PSE, and recommends improvements to the apprenticeship system. It also notes that improving access and efficiency of funding will be an important goal for Canada. The report highlights a number of specific policy responses to these challenges that have been implemented by Canadian institutions.