Report Encourages “Fresh curriculum” for Canadian International Education Policy

Source: MacLean’s via Academica | June 17, 2014

A new report published by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) says that Canada needs to do more to attract foreign students. The study claims that Canada is “punching below its weight” in international student enrolments, especially when recruiting from China, and emphasizes the value of international enrolments in terms of trade, international development, and diplomatic opportunities. Given increasing global competition for international enrolments, the report recommends that Canada create a new Crown corporation to promote its international education strategy and help the federal government coordinate with the provinces and territories. This body would spearhead new marketing initiatives to replace the current “Imagine Education au/in Canada” campaign. The report also recommends greater investment in an international education strategy that would encourage Canadian students to study abroad. Canada hopes to double the number of international students in Canada by 2022.

TCS Insights: While enrolment numbers for international students have rose in certain situations, Canada can still do more to bring students from abroad into the country to work towards a college or university degree. A government-run agency responsible for a national education strategy could raise enrolment rates and should be looked into further.